Sunday, May 26, 2013

What's In a Wedding?

Wedding planning is scary.  Oh. Em. Gee.

I have been engaged for exactly 9 days and suddenly it seems like there is so much to do and so little time to do it.  It all seemed so easy when I was lying in bed pinning idea after tulle-centric idea on my "One Day" Pinterest board.  But, goodness!  There is a lot that Pinterest doesn't prepare you for!

For example, choosing a wedding date is a huge hassle!  Why can't I just close my eyes and throw a magic dart that will land on the perfect summer date on my calendar?

And why is making a guest list so hard?  I feel like cutting your list of 10,000 friends and family down to 150 should be easier.

And so many venues!  What if I don't want to use your bar services because I can get my own alcohol for cheaper?  Or what if I think your catering options look dinky, but I really love the way your outdoor space looks?  Or what if I don't want your wedding coordinator that I've met once before bossing me around on my big day?  Can't I just use your pretty space and bring in all of my own stuff?  Of course I can't.  Because....blah!

So, here I am.  Caught between a (sparkling sapphire) rock and a wedding. Lots of ideas and no clue what to do with them.  There's really nothing for me to do but dive in head first and see what's waiting for me in the Baton Rouge Bridal Sea.  It's scary.  But in a really exciting way!  Because no matter what happens between now and my wedding next summer, I know one thing is certain.  When all is said and done, I get to marry my best friend.  So, bring it, Wedding Planning!  I'm armed with an amazing family, supportive friends, and a man that makes me smile like a child flying a kite for the first time.  It will all be worth it when I walk down that aisle!

Oh, and if you have any tips for a poor, wandering bride, share away!  We brides have to stick together!

1 comment:

  1. Girl! It is scary! By the time my wedding date approached, i was SO OVER IT. But that is not to scare you. I actually had bridesmaid drama which was the most nervewracking thing of all. So think carefully on who you choose to be bridesmaids & you should be okay! Ha!

    The guest list was another really hard thing for me! It seemed like we just had to keep cutting that list! It wasn't fun! I finally decided that people who got offended hadn't had to plan a wedding yet...and that one day they would understand.

    You got this!! And you are right: The most IMPORTANT THING is that you get to marry your best friend. In the grand scheme of things, that other stuff doesn't matter.

    Love you!!!
