Our Engagement

May 17, 2013 was a big day for me.

The excitement began with my graduation from Louisiana State University's Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.  All of my family was there, including my brother and grandmother from out of town and Chris's parents.  After the ceremony, we headed to Superior Grill (a local mexican restaurant) to meet more friends and celebrate.  Towards the end of the meal, I noticed that everyone was starting to pay attention to something behind me, so I turned around to see a cake.  Thinking that my parents had bought me a graduation cake, I was stunned! But not nearly as stunned as I was when the cake was placed in front of me.  On the cake was written in perfect script, "Will You Marry Me?"  I turned to my left and there was Chris, down on his knee and presenting me with the most beautiful ring I've ever seen in my life.  The entire restaurant was cheering like in the movies!  And, of course, I said "yes!"  And ate a lot of cake!


Will you?

Checking out my ring!

The cake


The ring

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